Monday, October 5, 2009

Short Trip to Antalya

I've been here in Turkey for 4-years now and i've been thinking what really Antalya looks like.Antalya is very far from my town, it takes 9-hours drive from here. It's like a long drive for me and my husband. Anyway we came to the plan that we will go there when there's a long holiday for him and I so we decided to go during Şeker (Sugar) Bayram while the weather isn't gettng cold. So my hubby called his brother and sister-in-law and planned everything. It happen that the whole family agree including my hubby's mom. Unbelivable but true, it's a long drive really!
Worth waiting and worth the long drive we finally arrived at Antalya and what can I say. Searching from internet looking all the pages at magazine with different photos what can I say to Antalya.WOW!!! that's my word for it. I love there and want to live there!